
The ugliest truth about Facial biometric systems: Who's using your face?

Alright let me tell you some ugly side of facial biometric systems. From the breach of privacy to discrimination of underrespresented groupd and women, facial biometrics does have a bag full of darker realities, that can push you towards more darkness in the coming future. 


You can reset a password, but you can never reset your face. 

Your face is so private to you, why would you let someone track by face. Who guarantees the privacy of your facial data and that it won’t be misused? 


Facial Biometric allow Human trafficking. 

With consent or without consent, that won’t matter once your life is overtaken by Facial biometric systems in your office. 


Proxy attendance 

Yes with Facial Biometric System proxy attendance is easy and just needs a picture to match in the facial biometric system to mark attendance. Hey, listen, it actually won’t work with a mask on your face as they claim. Yes, experiment with numerous masks on your face and mostly it would mark you absent.  


Facial biometric systems are racist. 

Yes, it was found that, Facial biometric system is unable to detect humans with dark skin. Ofcourse, it has a low accuracy when it comes to detecting women. 


How about your face abuse? 

In the absence of specific legislation a loophole is created allowing the facial biometric manufacturers to abuse your facial data without your knowledge or consent and use your facial data in forms that you won’t like.



At INCUBSENCE, Forget biometric. HR’s and employers are now deploying a non touch contactless non-human touch made in India attendance system as well as contactless non-human touch made in India access control system as a precautionary step to stop the spread of virus and bacterias in office. 

How about your Phone becoming your access card? Your employee taps the phone on the attendance system or access control system entirely made by Indian Entrepreneur, Engineers and Scientist and access all the logs on a cloud dashboard. 

Such a connected devices contactless attendance system makes your phone an access card eliminating plastic access cards as well as containing the spread of viruses in office on the other hand.

Purchase infection proof non-biometric contactless touchless attendance as well as non human touch contactless access control system that’s touchless for a hygienic, healthier and more productive workplace. Attendance system or access control system is the first point of contact for every employee. Thus stop the spread of virus at your office doorstep. As an HR choose a non human touch contactless touchless attendance system and non human touch contactless touchless access control system designed in India, Made in India by Indians.