
Work from Home: 5 Work from Home myths the world will leave behind after Coronavirus Epidemic

When one think of work from home, major reactions of people are:

  • It will reduce the productivity 
  • Employees will be lazy 
  • Employees will sleep more and work less

the list is longer than one can think. The coronavirus epidemic has alarmed corporations and now the world will move towards more flexible work from home plan that until now was considered as very negative affair. Now almost all corportations have sent employees to work from home. Sharing the list of my favourite five myths that the world will leave behind after the corona virus crisis settles down. 

  1. Work from home employees slack and won't work.

  2. Work from home employees will loose social connect with team.

  3. Work from home employees will have a better work-life balance.

  4. Work from home employees will have a lot of time for self care.

  5. Work from home employees will be less accountable. 

This all will change with coronavirus forcing major companies to allow employees to work from home. A lot os studies have shown that allowing employees to work from home enhace productivity. Un-productivity, less accoutability, not a team players and more are just false.