No high performing company requires low performing employees. Employees perform high only if facility management service is top class and inspires them to innovate. A workplace is a facility that has to be created each and every to make it safer, cleaner and positive workplace.
Leadership team requires a team of facility managers that amplify the facility management. However, the work of a facility manager or a team of facility managers is more relevant in this era of complicated machines and newer and more complex infrastructure. Hence, a facility manager is way more important than one thinks.
I have collated top traits of a facility managers:
Excellent Listener: A Facility manager is an excellent listener and communicates really very well. Basement is not the area for a facility manager to sit and talk, the infrastructure has been reshaped since a decade or two. A company culture where employees “Fall in Love” with the company do require a Facility Manager to sympathize, empathize and listen to the users of the facilities and it’s services. For example, taking feedbacks on the access control system, or checking if employees are happy with the visitor management system or whether the pile of papers of the washroom checklist is making them happy or sad?
A facility manager shall always keep pushing for a customized model of the facility for every employee so employee experience is improved each day. Any Change in the workplace is always good. However, change is complicated, it brings opposition. Hence, the Facility manager has to communicate effectively so that every user of the facility can listen and understand.
A Good Strategist: Facility Management goals shall align well with the business goals of the organization. A good Facility manager is not just an average worker, rather a good Facility manager understands that facility management does involve strategic decision making.
Thus facility manager will foster the growth of the business of the company if employee experience is enhanced hence a good facility manager focuses on giving a facility management experience that any employee is happy about. A happy employee works more and thus productivity grows.
Leaving the average behind: As a company grows it always brings change. A lot of factors govern those changes, a new client, a new employee or any other external factors.
Confronting change and taking change as a challenge to reinvent and implement technologies that drive growth is a trait of a good Facility Manager. A good facility manager knows that all the new technology implementation shall align very well with the business goals.