With the surge in economy and higher demand in urban office lifestyle, Facility Management trends have become the biggest talking point in the commercial real estate since it does impact the productivity of the workforce, hence some trending and top five facility management trends have been discussed in this article.
The IoT Network
Connected devices have also grown up since past a couple of years and hence it is a no secrect that more and more connected offices are in demand, however, what does that connected office meant for Facility Management trend? Well, now the demand will be of those facility management companies and facility managers who are well verse with technology. The demand is surging higher and higher in the market for technology advanced facility managers and facility management firms. The IoT or connected office system has to be such that at any point of time and at any given location, a facility manager can access which all devices are working and which devices are not working. Only then a facility manager and a facility management can add value to any facility and/or client.
Integrated Facility Management
Facility management is no more an about housekeeping, cleaning, deep cleaning or pantry. It is more about about the sum of everything. Now facility management involves to focus not on single aspect of the work but working on combined aspect is the demand. Knowing how does space utilization combined with technology impacts employee enagement is the key in 2020 to rule the world of facility management.
Employee Engagement and Employee Experience
Workspace is no longer about supporting employees but involving them at every level of facility management. Inspiration, Aspiration and Engaging them in decision involving the facility management is the next big thing. Employee experience directly depends on the faciltity management and thus facility manager is ultimate liable to engage employees and make employee experience the best experience.
Data the Decision Driver
Connected devices coupled with strong and relevand Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning algorithms are now essential for facility managers and facility management companies to understand the behaviour of clients and employees of the clients. Data driven decision making will help facility managers in understand what employees in their facilities want for better workplace and more productive work life style.