We all had to forcefully adopt and adjust, readjust working from home but that has jolted the productivity and employee well-being to a new low. Mass vaccination is radicalising the shift of working from home and companies have started preparing working from office for employees who are vaccinated twice following the local rules and regulations.
Organizations have emerged with great support of their workforce supporting employees throughout the work from home for 15+ months. Now, the time has arrived to go back to the office desk and double up productivity. How would employees adjust to the new normal of working from the office? All organizations are employee centric and foster collaboration. However, employees might be reluctant to come back and may fear catching infection. So what shall be the fast forward way to optimize and create policies that favour employees and employers?
Restructuring the offices post pandemic and equipping employees, Facility Managers and HR would be the factor in determining how smooth the सुरक्षित Office वापसी will be. Growth and productivity is fostered when employee well-being and physical well being is taken care of. Hence, Hot-Desking along with Contactless attendance machines following Covid-19 protocols could change the game and make office returns safer.
Our research has clearly shown that work from home is not in the favour of employees and it also goes against the companies. Employees are feeling isolated and not being the “part” of their organizations. 51% of employees in our survey agreed that while working from home, if anything happens to the machine or to the internet or to their mental state, they become their own HR & IT guy. When asked by the participant whether video conferencing has the ability to replace in-person office interactions, 79% voted in the favour of in-person office interactions. 54% employees said that they have lost the sense of being the “part” of the organization they work for. We further asked employees if they would want to commute to offices after two doses of covid-19 vaccination, a total of 51% employees showed interest in going सुरक्षित Office वापसी. When asked whether work from home replaces an office, 75% of employees voted against the work from home.
So in the best interest of employees, it is advisable that companies adopt technology tools that aid in the successful restructuring of a post-pandemic workplace so that offices become safer and employees can work without hesitancy. This virus can never destroy the traditional office space; rather it will restructure the way we work.