
Facility Management Trend- How IoT and AI reinventing the Facilities Management?

Dream of a day, you drive down for a meeting and the boom barrier recognises your vehicle and allow you to park. When you come out of your car at the tap of the phone, the life aumatically drop you to the meeting floor, when you come out the mobile phone directs you to the meeting room via indoor mapping. When you tap your phone outside the meeting room, it unlocks, and temperature, humidity, lights and ambience is set as per your body temperature and mood. 

This is only possible if devices speaks and talk with each other, such devices we name as connected devices. Connected devices allow each other to talk to each other, to the people they serve. This ensure that a dumb building is transformed into a smart Facility. In an intillegent facility management and a smartest workspace, everything is connected, and gives you a real time analytics thus help you in taking better decisions. Why would a facility be made smarter? Here's to those why(s)?

It's about User Experience

Clients of a facility management company are ambitious to make their facilities as a luxury in user experience. Most clients want to have real time insights on their user behaviour, a smarter building is a great affair with the data driven decision analytics. For many, it is also about retaining workforcing and giving them the best experience. How many people are attend office every day? Where most people occupy seats? How many meeting rooms have fair occupancy? What food items are bought in the restaurants by staff? Such analytics would be productive for a healthy and a profitable organizations. 

Intelligent building is about the conceptulization and a deep detailing in the architecture level. Most advanced boom barrier, visitor managemen system, access control system, meeting room booking system, meeting room occupancy system, Intelligent lifts, indoor mapping are just few examples, 100% automation would be achieved when each device, every machine talk to each other. 

The right technology coupled with a great leadership team would be required to execute any degree of smart building work.