In the intelligent and smartest facility management of tomorrow, everything at the facility is connected, managed, human and personalised. The evolution and transformation of facility management as the smart facility management is due to a number of different facts that includes facility manager, employee engagement, enhancement of productivity, and to reinvent the workplace. AI, ML and Big Data has been credited for the facility management of tomorrow but often undermined are connected devices that means an ecosystem where a Hardware speaks with the software and provides you with analytics and helps you with more intelligent decision making on the cloud. Hence it is the ecosystem of Connected devices that plays with AI is the real game that makes a workplace a winning place. In simple words, is your Access controls speaking with each other? Your answer would be no. Hence now Hardware is in romance with software to make your facility management the best space.
Dumb Facility to intelligent Facility Management
The mundane buildings are now being reinvented into smart and intelligent with innovation that involves an ecosystem of IoT, AI, ML and Big data.
Facility Management and Sustainability
Sustainability solutions in facility management will be really a complex challenge to solve for the facility management service providers due to global warming. Across the globe reducing carbon emission and saving energy is a top priority to curb the menace of global warming and hence facility management service companies would now be required to assist their clients in restructure the real estate infrastructure. Building design, management and maintenance will have severe consequences for the facility management service industry that would also impact the technology they employ for all the services.
More and more multinational facility management companies when entering into the emerging market focus a lot on the latest trends of the local market. Where these facility management services cater to the requirement and culture of their customers in the local market.
Facility Management Hiring
Facility Management services requires a lot of manpower to dedicatedly work day in and day out. Attracting, Hiring and retaining the best talent for the facility management as a part of the workforce will be an ever growing challenge in the emerging markets such as South East Asia and India. In India the generation gap is evident and catering the requirement of all different generations in the Facility Management services will be trending.
Technology in Facility Management
Facility management service can never grow without any adopting revolutionarizing technologies. Amazing Attendance systems, Intelligent Access control systems, Cleaning Robots, Smart Surveillance would see revolution in the upcoming years. Hence, the Facility Management Service Industry has to get ready and adopt new technologies. These new technologies will increase the budget, and lower the labour cost.
Knowledge Centre
Facility Management Industry collect, store and analyze data to improve the quality urban office lifestyle of the clients. The new trend for Facility management services will be the employment of technologies that effectively collect, store, analyze data to make decisions more intelligent.
Third Party Facility Management
Maximizing value creation is the foremost priority of companies, hence many companies are now evaluating the model of their operations. While the trend of outsourcing facility management to vendors have seen a surge, it is a mix of in-house resource, cost, vendor management among others.
Humanity First in Facility Management
Human touch is always important for emerging markets to transform the way the Facility management industry treats its customers, clients and employees. Every business client caters to the requirement of its employees and hence the expectations of clients and users are getting more and more personal. Hence FM companies are always expected to cater to the personalization of the client. Due to this more and more people have to be employed by the FM companies to exceed the expectations of their clients.